Meet our Neighbors

We believe that the neighborhood is the unit of change.

Focusing on a place rather than an issue highlights the interconnectedness of an array of aspects of wellbeing.

Let us introduce you to our neighbors in downtown San Juan Capistrano!

Forty percent of San Juan’s residents are Latino and speak Spanish at home, and in the Capistrano Villas neighborhood, that percentage is 98% and is almost entirely of Mexican heritage.  So you can imagine the environment is full of vibrant life and close family ties.  Latino cultures value family and celebration very highly, so you’ll often hear music and see people spending time together in the open spaces.  Although it is an intergenerational community where many young people are economically thriving, the neighborhood is home primarily to low-income families.

Although South Orange County is viewed as a bubble insulated from social challenges, there is one census tract that experiences the same conditions as Anaheim and Santa Ana, it’s just much smaller.

This map shows a composite of data points in many areas including poverty, education, health, housing, safety, and environment. Here are just a few examples:

The median household income in our census tract is $55K/year. But in our specific neighborhood it’s $38K/year. And rent on a two bedroom apartment is $3000/month.

Life expectancy is 6 years less than it is on the other side of the freeway.

Approximately 45% of low income households are sharing their 1000 square foot home with another family.

37% of third graders are reading at grade-level proficiency.

Only 14% hold a bachelor’s degree.

The Homeownership rate is falling by 2% per year.

Despite these obstacles, our neighbors are finding a way.

In our work here, we have seen heroic sacrifice, incredible resiliency and awe-inspiring perseverance. For anyone who struggles to maintain hope in a dark world, we invite you to meet some of our neighbors. You’ll never be the same.