Door knock

I think today was a true testament to the profound impact we have on the lives of everyone in our community. While it may be natural for parents to connect other parents to our homework club or study hour and for adults to bring friends and neighbors to our programs, what truly touched my heart today is how we're being recommended to those who have often felt marginalized or left out. 


We had been brainstorming all during our staff meeting about how we can reach the demographic groups of our neighborhood that we don’t have a good reach to yet, when someone knocked on the door. It was a community member looking for a referral to a rehab center. The whole staff sprang into action, gathering resources, talking with him without judgment. I thought, I wonder how he ever would have gotten help without Unidos. There are so many courageous steps he has to take and knocking on our door was a big one. 

I think this gentleman was placed by God at our doorstep today, showing us we’re doing exactly the work he has planned for us. I hope our work continues to impact every single member of the community and allows them to feel confident walking up to our door, knowing we will welcome them with open hands, minds, and hearts.


- Sarah Arce, Coordinator of Elementary Programs


Resources for the spirit


The ministry of Presence