When we question what “productive” means
Don Francisco is an elderly man who is blind and lives in the Capo Villas. He often knocks on our door seeking help with social services, medical issues, and even his jury duty. From what he shares, he has no family living nearby. Each time he comes we are inching forward on getting him connected to the long-term supports and resources he needs. And it’s a slow road.
Today, he came knocking, and I just didn't have the energy to open the door, let alone help him. With more hesitation than I am willing to admit, I answered the door. He asked for help with dental work and if I could assist him in voting. I wish I could tell you I was eager to do either, but the more uncomfortable truth is that I wasn't. I wanted this morning to be more "productive"; I really wanted to chip away at the work ahead of me. Instead, I drove Don Francisco to vote. This election was the first he's ever participated in.
Perhaps what I produced today wasn’t what I planned on, but certainly something was produced in Don Francisco’s life, and I’m glad I was part of it.
-Ester Ocampo