All people have been created in the image of God. –Genesis 1:27
In a united community, the dignity of each person is recognized and valued so that they will be empowered.
When we are moved with compassion toward direct action, we will respect the boundaries of the will, self-determination and dignity of those served. We recognize that the best people to identify problems and solutions are those who are impacted by such circumstances and exercise humility in considering the needs and perspectives of others more important than our own (Philippians 2:3). Residents are not the project or the mission field (recipients), but full participants in God’s work of strengthening the neighborhood.
Partners’ Commitment: We will listen before we act.
Residents’ Commitment: We are worthy of love and respect. Somos dignos de amor y respeto.
Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. … A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.
Existing community is both fortified and expanded toward our vision of unity.
Community means unity-with. Everything we do rests on the foundation of relationships. Believing that people are the most valuable assets of the neighborhood, we prioritize trust, honesty and friendship. We listen before acting and prioritize people over project metrics. This requires flexibility and a slower pace. We seek to grow our programs only at the speed of relational growth so that we will remain a grass-roots network of neighbors and not a service provider.
Partners’ Commitment: We will prioritize people over projects.
Residents’ Commitment: We spread trust. Difundimos confianza.
After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. Revelation 7:9-10
In a united community, diversity is valued over homogeneity - not just skin color and culinary traditions but also values, perspectives, and worldviews.
We celebrate differences in culture and backgrounds because humanity is made diverse as an expression of a diverse God who exists in three persons, Father, Son Spirit. Diverse perspectives are assets and should be included as much as possible in decision-making spaces centering collective discernment so that this value of diversity will impact all areas of programming and operation. We look for opportunities to build relational proximity across differences so that compassion will be built and marginalized voices may be amplified.
Partners’ Commitment: Our culture is not a litmus test; difference is beautiful.
Residents’ Commitment: We are proud of our roots. Somos orgullosos de nuestros raices.
But God has put the body together, giving greater honor to the parts that lacked it, so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. 1 Corinthians 12:24-25
In a united community, resources and attention are not distributed evenly but equitably, which eventually leads toward equality.
Rather than allowing usual patterns of power dynamics to influence relationships and programs, Unidos takes pause to consider how and where privilege may be leveraged, and power and benefits may be shared. We look for barriers to remove. We clear paths so that residents may walk on their own feet to healing and empowerment.
Partners’ Commitment: We will get out of the way to allow space for emerging voices.
Residents’ Commitment: We will promote leadership at all levels. Promoveremos liderazgo a todo nivel.
God has shown you what is good and what the Lord requires of you: To do justice, to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God. –Micah 6:8
In a united community, we respond to systemic injustice with systemic solutions (Acts 6).
We recognize that Unidos exists because the world is not right/just. Biblically speaking, that is injustice. Just as broken relationships are the result of personal/internal sin, the result of corporate/external sin is injustice in society. At Unidos we are not only interested in bandaging wounds but also considering what is causing the harm and repairing it - i.e “doing justice,” resulting in a society where everyone has the opportunity to thrive. Often, doing justice means changing the way things work, which may impact the comfort of those for whom the current injustice may benefit. But justice - making things right - is required for unity. “Love is the motive, but justice is the instrument.” Reinhold Niebuhr (1892–1971)
Partners’ Commitment: We will prioritize justice for our neighbor over our own comfort.
Residents’ Commitment: We will stand up for what is right. Defendemos lo que es justo.