The look on his face…

Wednesday night’s youth group took an unexpected turn when our youth director was out sick and I was appointed the substitute. I made the executive choice to have a movie night. I wasn’t sure what we’d watch, but after running into Mrs. Aguilar, an Unidos partner, earlier in the day, I thought back to when she was my high school teacher.

 I found the movie she always played for us—rainy day? Substitute teacher? Lockdown? Fire? Bored? Freedom Writers was her go-to, telling the story of high schoolers who had faced many barriers, and the bond they formed with an English teacher passionate about their wellbeing. At the time, we felt like we were just enduring it, but now that I’m older, I get why she liked it so much. It’s a great movie.

The kids were hooked. They were laughing, holding their breath, and getting into the relatable scenes. When it was time to leave, more than half the group voted to stay and finish it.

 After the movie, I stuck around with the teens and we talked about it. They shared stories of teachers who made them feel heard and pushed them to do more. Josimar, the last to leave, helped me take out the trash and said, “I don’t really have a teacher like that, but you’re like that teacher for me.”

I walked home slower than usual, trying to hold on to that moment. Just another reminder to relish in the joy of existing.

-Ester Ocampo

Volunteer Coordinator


So Much We Can Learn


After Years of Struggling